

Pendidikan Matematika

NIDN/NIDK : 0030088805

Asisten Ahli


Pendidikan Matematika

NIDN/NIDK : 0030088805

Asisten Ahli


WoS H-Index : 0

Scopus H-Index : 1

Google H-Index : 6


WoS H-Index : 0

Scopus H-Index : 1

Google H-Index : 6

GS Documents

Source by Sinta Kemenristek

Total : 50

Analysis of student’s proof construction on matrix determinants
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1480 (1), 012060, 2020
D Sari
Citation : 0
Year : 2020
Development of student worksheets based on problem-based learning in the algebra topics
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1480 (1), 012059, 2020
B Santoso, AC Coaline, J Araiku
Citation : 0
Year : 2020
Flow-proof strategy in proof construction on geometry instruction
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1581 (1), 012037, 2020
J Araiku
Citation : 1
Year : 2020
Pendampingan penulisan artikel pada jurnal nasional bagi guru Matematika: Dari laporan PTK menuju manuskrip
Jurnal Anugerah 2 (2), 93-100, 2020
E Susanti, N Aisyah, C Hiltrimartin, Y Hartono, S Somakim, ...
Citation : 1
Year : 2020
Problem Solving-Based Learning on Systems of Linear Equation in Three Variables at SMA Srijaya Negara Palembang
Problem Solving-Based Learning on Systems of Linear Equation in Three …, 2020
N Aisyah, Scristia
Citation : 1
Year : 2020
Pengembangan bahan ajar materi prisma berbasis android untuk pembelajaran berbasis masalah di kelas VIII
Jurnal Gantang 5 (2), 191-201, 2020
M Frilia, ES Hapizah, S Scristia
Citation : 9
Year : 2020
Student’s triangles congruence proving through flow proof strategy
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1480 (1), 012030, 2020
Sumarni, Hapizah, Scristia
Citation : 0
Year : 2020
Kompetensi mahasiswa dalam mata kuliah pemodelan matematika berbasis pengembangan soal
Jurnal Elemen 5 (1), 54-63, 2019
E Kurniadi, D Darmawijoyo, S Scristia, P Astuti
Citation : 8
Year : 2019
Prospective teacher students’ competencies in designing task on modelling based learning
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1166 (1), 012025, 2019
E Kurniadi, P Astuti
Citation : 1
Year : 2019
Analisis kesesuaian indikator terhadap kompetensi dasar pada pelajaran Matematika oleh guru sekolah menengah Palembang
Jurnal Gantang 4 (2), 103-109, 2019
I Indaryanti, E Susanti, N Aisyah, S Scristia
Citation : 27
Year : 2019