

Pendidikan Matematika

NIDN/NIDK : 0030088805

Asisten Ahli


Pendidikan Matematika

NIDN/NIDK : 0030088805

Asisten Ahli


WoS H-Index : 0

Scopus H-Index : 1

Google H-Index : 6


WoS H-Index : 0

Scopus H-Index : 1

Google H-Index : 6

GS Documents

Source by Sinta Kemenristek

Total : 16

Sentiment analysis of prospective mathematics teacher on reasoning and proof questions using Naïve-Bayes classification 8 (2), 155-165, 2023
S Scristia, D Dasari, T Herman
Citation : 0
Year : 2023
Childhood, learning & everyday life in three Asia-Pacific cities: experiences from Melbourne, Hong Kong and Singapore: by I-fang Lee, Sue Saltmarsh and Nicola Yelland …
Education 3-13, 1-4, 2023
AK Wardani, Scristia, S Busyrah Muchsin, Aswin
Citation : 0
Year : 2023
Student’s Mathematical Communication Skills in Class VII Sets Materials Through HOTS-Based Learning
2nd National Conference on Mathematics Education 2021 (NaCoME 2021), 34-38, 2022
A Yunita, M Meryansumayeka, J Araiku, S Scristia, M Yusuf
Citation : 0
Year : 2022
Mathematical Reasoning Ability of Grades IX Students in Triangle Congruence Proof Learning Using Two-Column Proofs Strategy
2nd National Conference on Mathematics Education 2021 (NaCoME 2021), 200-206, 2022
S Aisyah, S Scristia, M Meryansumayeka, E Safitri
Citation : 1
Year : 2022
Development of Teaching Materials Based on Two-Column Proof Strategy on Congruent Triangle Materials
2nd National Conference on Mathematics Education 2021 (NaCoME 2021), 189-193, 2022
S Scristia, M Meryansumayeka, E Safitri, J Araiku, S Aisyah
Citation : 3
Year : 2022
Martabe: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat 5 (4), 1512-1523, 2022
H Hapizah, I Indaryanti, E Susanti, M Yusup, N Sari, J Araiku, S Scristia, ...
Citation : 2
Year : 2022
The Eighth Graders' Higher Order Thinking Skills in Solving Numeracy Problems-Based Minimum Competency Assessment
Jurnal Gantang 7 (1), 11-18, 2022
M Meryansumayeka, M Yusuf, S Scristia, K Kamaliyah
Citation : 1
Year : 2022
Pelatihan Pengoperasian Canvas Instructure sebagai Learning Management System beserta Potensinya
Jurnal Anugerah 4 (1), 23-35, 2022
E Susanti, WD Pratiwi, S Scristia, J Araiku
Citation : 5
Year : 2022
Kemampuan Berpikir Kreatif Matematis Siswa pada Pembelajaran Trigonometri Berbasis Higher Order Thinking Skills
AKSIOMA: Jurnal Program Studi Pendidikan Matematika 11 (3), 2322-2332, 2022
HK Permata, M Meryansumayeka, S Scristia, M Yusuf
Citation : 3
Year : 2022
Pengembangan Keterampilan Guru Matematika Kota Pagaralam dalam Mendesain Bahan Ajar Menggunakan Geogebra Berbasis Android untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa
Jurnal Anugerah 4 (2), 121-134, 2022
H Hapizah, I Indaryanti, E Susanti, J Araiku, S Scristia, N Sari, Z Nuraeni
Citation : 2
Year : 2022