GS Documents
Source by Sinta Kemenristek
Total : 632
Determinations of amount and time of water irrigation for chili pepper with climate, crop and soil information data
Jurnal Agrista (Indonesia), 2000
MS Imanudin, D Tambas
Citation : 0
Year : 2000 |
Pemanfaatan lumpur tinja melalui pencampuran dengan abu jerami sebagai pupuk organik kaya hara untuk pengembangan tanaman kedelai pada tanah marginal
A Hermawan
Citation : 0
Year : 1999 |
Hasil penelitian pengaruh berbagai tingkat air tersedia dan pupuk organik terhadap efisiensi pengairan dan hasil kedelai pada ultisol Indralaya
DP Sulistiyani, M Sodik
Citation : 0
Year : 1999 |
Mineralogical properties of soils formed on two geological formations in South Sumatra
Jurnal Tanah Tropika (Indonesia), 1998
D Setyawan, W Warsito, SJ Priatna
Citation : 0
Year : 1998 |
Chemical potential of humic fraction derived from decomposition of agricultural waste as active organic substance in agricultural fertilizer
Seminar Nasional Identifikasi Masalah Pupuk Nasional dan Standardisasi Mutu …, 1997
N Gofar, SJ Priatna
Citation : 0
Year : 1997 |
Dampak penggunaan karbofuran terhadap aktivitas mikroorganisme perombak bahan organik dan kesuburan tanah
Universitas Gadjah Mada, 1995
Citation : 0
Year : 1995 |
Re-examination of the erosion and deposition events that culminated in the establishment of the Glenmark soil conservation scheme, Waipara, North Canterbury, Ne...
Lincoln University
MB Prayitno
Citation : 0
Year : 1995 |
Re-examination of the erosion and deposition events that culminated in the establishment of the Glenmark soil conservation scheme, Waipara, North Canterbury, New Zealand
Lincoln University, 1995
MB Prayitno
Citation : 0
Year : 1995 |
Pengaruh perubahan penggunaan lahan terhadap tekanan penduduk pada daerah dataran rendah Kabupaten Bantul Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta
Universitas Gadjah Mada, 1991
DP Sulistiyani
Citation : 0
Year : 1991 |
Biologi Tanah
Pctunjuk Laboratoriurn. Laboratorium Biologi Tanah. Fakultas Pertanian …, 1989
I Anas, N Ghoffar, A Napoleon, KA Hanafiah
Citation : 4
Year : 1989 |