GS Documents

Source by Sinta Kemenristek

Total : 1186

Analyse de la stabilité des talus dans les mines à ciel ouvert: application à la mine de charbon de Bukit Asam (Indonésie)
Paris, ENMP, 1993
T Toha
Citation : 0
Year : 1993
Institut Teknologi Bandung, 1992
S Nasir
Citation : 0
Year : 1992
Beberapa faktor perilaku yang mempengaruhi keefektifan anggota Koperasi Unit Desa di Kotamadya Banda Aceh: laporan penelitian

Nurdasila, M Said, Harlita
Citation : 0
Year : 1992
The Prediction of the Performance of Hydrodynamically Sliding Bearing under Steady Load
Majalah Universitas Sriwijaya 3, 1990
H Basri
Citation : 0
Year : 1990
Oil flow in axial groove journal bearings
Proc. of the Seminar on Developments in Plain Bearings for the'90s, IMechE …, 1990
H Basri, PB Neal
Citation : 21
Year : 1990
Oil flow in journal bearing.
University of Sheffield, 1989
IH Basri
Citation : 0
Year : 1989
Ilmu Pendidikan
Penerbit Alumni, 1989
M Said
Citation : 61
Year : 1989
J. Building Res
Baghdad 7, 49-69
S Al-Jabbari, F Faisal, F Ali, S Nasir
Citation : 10
Year : 1988
The physical methods for purification of the phosphogypsum for using it as building material
J Build Res Sci Res Council Baghdad 7, 49-69, 1988
S Al-Jabbari, F Faisal, S Ali, S Nasir
Citation : 13
Year : 1988
Peranan Islam dalam Penghayatan, Pengamalan, dan Pengamanan Pancasila
Jakarta: Proyek Pembinaan Kemahasiswaan Direktorat Jendral Pembinaan …, 1985
M Said
Citation : 8
Year : 1985