

Ilmu Tanaman

NIDN/NIDK : 0019026501

Lektor Kepala


Ilmu Tanaman

NIDN/NIDK : 0019026501

Lektor Kepala


WoS H-Index : 0

Scopus H-Index : 6

Google H-Index : 15


WoS H-Index : 0

Scopus H-Index : 6

Google H-Index : 15

GS Documents

Source by Sinta Kemenristek

Total : 242

Dampak aplikasi bioinsektisida cair untuk mengendalikan Plutella xylostella (L.) terhadap komunitas artropoda pada pertanaman caisin
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Lahan Suboptimal. Unsri. Palembang. Hal, 535-544, 2014
H Nunilahwati, S Herlinda, C Irsan, Y Pujiastuti
Citation : 2
Year : 2014
Sistem Tanam Padi Kontinyu di Lahan Rawa Lebak
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Lahan Suboptimal. Fakultas Pertanian Universitas …, 2014
MU Harun, E Saleh, C Irsan
Citation : 3
Year : 2014
KOMBINASI LARVA LALAT BUNGA (Hermetia illucens L.) DAN PELET UNTUK PAKAN IKAN PATIN JAMBAL (Pangasius djambal) Combination of Black Soldier Fly (Hermetia illucens L.) Larva and …
Jurnal Akuakultur Rawa Indonesia 2 (2), 150-161
S Hariadi, C Irsan, M Wijayanti
Citation : 8
Year : 2014
Morphological and genetic variation of Thrips parvispinus (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) in chili plantation (Capsicum annuum L.) in the lowland and highland of Jambi Province …
Am. J. BioSci 2, 17-21, 2014
A Johari, S Herlinda, Y Pujiastuti, C Irsan, D Sartiami
Citation : 41
Year : 2014
Characteristics, Morphometry and Spatial Distribution of Populations of Subterranean Termites Macrotermes Gilvus. Hagen (Isoptera: Termitidae) in the Rubber Plantation Land …
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) 3 (4), 102-106, 2014
Z Arifin, Z Dahlan, Sabaruddin, C Irsan, Y Hartono
Citation : 5
Year : 2014
Peer Review Karya Ilmiah dengan judul-Morphological and genetic variation of Thrips parvispinus (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) in chili plantation (Capsicum annuum L.) in the …
SPG, 2014
A Johari, S Herlinda, Y Pujiastuti, C Irsan, D Satiami
Citation : 0
Year : 2014
Spesies Tumbuhan Inang dan Sebaran Penyakit Virus oleh Serangga Vektor (Aphis gossypii) di Rawa Lebak dan Dataran Tinggi Sumatera Selatan
Majalah Ilmiah Sriwijaya 26 (19), 1-12, 2014
S Herlinda, R Riyanto, A Umayah, C Irsan
Citation : 0
Year : 2014
Tingkat Parasitisasi dan Deskripsi Parasitoid yang Memarasit Aphis gossypii (Glover)(Hemiptera: Aphididae) Asal Agroekosistem Dataran Rendah dan Dataran Tinggi Sumatera Selatan
Jurnal Lahan Suboptimal: Journal of Suboptimal Lands 3 (1), 2014
R Riyanto, S Herlinda, A Umayah, C Irsan
Citation : 0
Year : 2014
Characteristics, Morphometry and Spatial Distribution of Populations of Subterranean Termites Macrotermes Gilvus Hagen.,(Isoptera: Termitidae) in the Rubber Plantation Land …
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) 3 (4), 102-106, 2014
Z Arifin, Z Dahlan, IC Sabaruddin, Y Hartono
Citation : 5
Year : 2014
Sistem Tanam Padi Kontinyu di Lahan Rawa Lebak Continuous Rice Planting System Was on the paddy Fields Swamp
Fak. Pertanian Universitas Sriwijaya. Inderalaya, 2014
MU Harun, E Saleh, C Irsan
Citation : 0
Year : 2014