GS Documents

Source by Sinta Kemenristek

Total : 1034

Pengaruh pemberian berbagai pupuk organik dan pupuk NPK terhadap pertumbuhan dan hasil Kacang Tanah (Arachis hypogaea L.)
Majalah Ilmiah Sriwijaya. Palembang, Hal 17 – 19, 2016
teguh achadi dan novian maria fitriana
Citation : 0
Year : 2016
Efek kompos Blotong dan penyiangan terhadap pertumbuhan dan hasil Jagung Manis (Zea mayz saccharata)
majalah ilmiah sriwijaya, Hal 13 – 16, 2016
teguh achadi dan saffan yernelis syawal
Citation : 0
Year : 2016
Smoking is associated with the concurrent presence of multiple autoantibodies in rheumatoid arthritis rather than with anti-citrullinated protein antibodies per se: a …
Arthritis research & therapy 18 (1), 285
TJ van Wesemael, S Ajeganova, J Humphreys, C Terao, A Muhammad, ...
Citation : 16
Year : 2016
In vivo immunomodulatory effects of plant flavonoids in lipopolysaccharide-challenged broilers
animal 10 (10), 1619-1625
AA Kamboh, SQ Hang, MA Khan, WY Zhu
Citation : 9
Year : 2016
Phenotypic evaluation of tomato germplasm for the source of resistance against tomato leaf curl virus disease
The journal of animal and plant sciences 26 (1), 194-200
MA Zeshan, MA Khan, S Ali, M Arshad
Citation : 5
Year : 2016
А structurеd аpprоаch fоr mаnаging turnaround mаintеnаncе in petrochemical industries. A case study on Fauji Fertilizer Bin Qasim Ltd. Pakistan
Citation : 0
Year : 2016
Karakter Fisik dan Kimia Sumber Air Canal di Lahan Rawa Pasang Surut untuk Budidaya Perikanan
Jurnal Perikanan Dan kelautan 21 (2), 17-25, 2016
M Marsi, RH Susanto, M Fitrani
Citation : 7
Year : 2016
Pemanfaatan Sari Timun untuk Mengurangi Tingkat Stres dan Meningkatkan Kelangsungan Hidup Pascalarva Udang Vaname (Litopenaeus vannamei) selama Masa Penurunan Salinitas
Jurnal Lahan Suboptimal: Journal of Suboptimal Lands 5 (1), 53-61, 2016
FH Taqwa, M Marsi, S Haris
Citation : 1
Year : 2016
T2-weighted MRI signal predicts hormone and tumor responses to somatostatin analogs in acromegaly.
Endocrine-related cancer 23 (11), 871-881
I Potorac, P Petrossians, A Daly, O Alexopoulou, S Borot, ...
Citation : 31
Year : 2016
Jurnal Rekayasa Teknologi Nusa Putra 2 (2), 7-13, 2016
M Ammar, I Kridasantausa
Citation : 0
Year : 2016