GS Documents

Source by Sinta Kemenristek

Total : 1034

Chemical and cultural management of die back disease of mango in Pakistan
XXIX International Horticultural Congress on Horticulture: Sustaining Lives …
MT Malik, M Ammar, M Ranan, A Rehman, ISE Bally
Citation : 3
Year : 2014
Correlation coefficient analysis of yield and yield components in rice (Oryza sativa L.)
Sarhad Journal of Agriculture (Pakistan), 1994
T Latif, M Iqbal, MA Khan
Citation : 3
Year : 1994
Data mining survey
Computer Science Dept., North Dakota State University. See http://midas. cs …
Q Ding, M Canton, D Diaz, Q Zou, B Lu, A Roy, J Zhou, Q Wei, A Habib, ...
Citation : 3
Year : 2000
Effect of dietary supplementation of phytochemicals on immunity and haematology of growing broiler chickens
Italian Journal of Animal Science 17 (4), 1038-1043
AA Kamboh, MA Khan, U Kaka, EA Awad, AM Memon, M Saeed, ...
Citation : 3
Year : 2018
Synthesis of hexamethylene-1, 6-dicarbamate by methoxycarbonylation of 1, 6-hexamethylene diamine with dimethyl carbonate over bulk and hybrid heteropoly acid catalyst
Research on Chemical Intermediates 43 (12), 6951-6972
M Ammar, Y Cao, L Wang, P He, H Li
Citation : 3
Year : 2017
Utilization of golden apple snail (Pomacea canaliculata) shells as liming materials for Pangasius sp culture in swamp fish pond
E3S Web of conferences 68, 04016, 2018
D Jubaedah, M Wijayanti, N Rizaldy
Citation : 3
Year : 2018
Pengaruh Pemberian Pupuk Cair Terhadap Kadar Nitrogen Tanah dan Produksi Tanaman Padi Utama serta Ratun di Tanah Pasang Surut The Effects of Liquid Fertilizer on the N-total of …
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Lahan Suboptimal 2015
SNA Fitri, MB Siti, A Weliza
Citation : 3
Year : 2015
The treatment of the wastewater of urea fertilizer plant with a combined process of advanced oxidation and microalgae Chlorella pyrenoidosa, Nannochloropsis sp. and Pseudomonas …
Journal of Biological, Ecological and Environmental Science 2, 1-6
M Marhaini, MH Dahlan, M Faizal, A Arinafril, M Marsi
Citation : 3
Year : 2012
Rekayasa tata air kolam gali di lahan pekarangan daerah reklamasi rawa untuk budidaya perikanan pasang surut
Prosiding Seminar Nasional INACID, 2014
Marsi, RH Susanto, M Fitrani
Citation : 3
Year : 2014
Perubahan Titik Muatan Nol dan Muatan Negatif Abu Terbang Batubara akibat Penambahan Kotoran Ayam dan Waktu Inkubasi

A Hermawan, R HAYATI
Citation : 3
Year : 0