GS Documents

Source by Sinta Kemenristek

Total : 1034

The effect of calcium chloride injection on shear force and caspase activities in bovine longissimus muscles during postmortem conditioning
animal 6 (6), 1018-1022
J Cao, X Yu, MA Khan, J Shao, Y Xiang, G Zhou
Citation : 7
Year : 2012
Pretreatment and bentonite-based catalyzed conversion of palm-rubber seed oil blends to biodiesel
Procedia engineering 148, 501-507
B Ali, S Yusup, AT Quitain, RNM Kamil, Y Sumigawa, M Ammar, T Kida
Citation : 7
Year : 2016
Berbagai ekstrak gulma sebagai bioherbisida di perkebunan karet
Jurnal penelitian dan kajian ilmu-ilmu pertanian AGRIA, Hal 16 – 18, 2008
teguh achadi
Citation : 7
Year : 2008
Respon kedelai (Glycine max) terhadap Bradyrhizobium japonicum strain Hup+ pada tanah masam
J. Pertanian Indonesia 3, 111-115
MU Harun, M Ammar
Citation : 7
Year : 2001
Comparison of yield loss in different wheat varieties/lines due to leaf rust disease
Pak. J. Phytopathol 22 (1), 13-15
S Ahmad, MA Khan, MM Haider, Z Iqbal, Y Iftikhar, M Hussain
Citation : 7
Year : 2010
Catalysts screening, optimization and mechanism studies of dimethylhexane-1, 6-dicarbamate synthesis from 1, 6-hexanediamine and dimethyl carbonate over Mn (OAc) 2 catalyst
Catalysis Today 281, 392-401
L Zhao, P He, L Wang, M Ammar, Y Cao, H Li
Citation : 7
Year : 2017
Efficacy and safety of switching to pasireotide in acromegaly patients controlled with pegvisomant and somatostatin analogues: PAPE extension study
European journal of endocrinology 179 (5), 269-277
A Muhammad, EC Coopmans, PJD Delhanty, AHG Dallenga, IK Haitsma, ...
Citation : 7
Year : 2018
Karakter Fisik dan Kimia Sumber Air Canal di Lahan Rawa Pasang Surut untuk Budidaya Perikanan
Jurnal Perikanan Dan kelautan 21 (2), 17-25, 2016
M Marsi, RH Susanto, M Fitrani
Citation : 7
Year : 2016
Chemical and physical behavior of two kentucky soils: II. Saturated hydraulic conductivity‐exchangeable sodium relationships
Journal of Environmental Science & Health Part A 26 (7), 1177-1194, 1991
M Marsi, VP Evangelou
Citation : 7
Year : 1991
Perbaikan stabilitas agregat tanah pasir berlempung menggunakan bakteri pemantap agregat dan bahan organik
Jurnal Tanah dan Iklim 42 (2), 161-167, 2018
D Utama, N Gofar, A Napoleon
Citation : 7
Year : 2018